Established in 1969, FEDECOCAGUA is a cooperative organization made up of 20,000 members.
Still, each lot is identifiable through an individual code, with volume, cooperative name and delivery date. There are a number of collection points and warehouses in other locations such as Huehuetenango, which allows for the grouping of parchment lots before transporting to the dry mill for final prep and Quality Control.
The Camoja warehouse was designed by Gerardo’s (the head of Fedecocagua) son, and is managed by Don Jose. Being newer, it has showers, lockers, laundry rooms and even beds for the workers, as well as a cupping lab and sound storage for 75,000 bags.
There are 10 full-time staff, including a Q grader. Most of the coffee from Huehue for Fedecocagua comes through this facility. A water recycling facility is in the final stages of being operational, with an on site well providing clean water and rainwater being collected and used for watering plants and grass on the site.
每包可沖泡杯數: 2
沖泡溫度: 95°C
沖泡時間: 4-8 分鐘
可循環使用: 清空, 清洗, 加咖啡粉
淨重: 20克