Located in the Caribbean archipelago, the Dominican Republic is situated to the west of Haiti. Historic landmark for worldwide coffee growing, the coffee estates extend across the central part of the island and can be found on the four mountain ranges, the Northern Cordillera, the Central Cordillera, the Sierra de Neyba and Barahuco.

Small producers grow under the natural shade of pine, Inga and Guava trees as well as Macadamia trees, in order to ensure slow and progressive maturity. Harvested solely by hand, our IGUANA selection comes from small valleys located at between 800 and 1200 metres altitude, which enjoy a climate that is highly favorable to the development of coffee cherries.

The coffees at the Rancho Arriba finca, which is one of the oldest farms in the Dominican Republic, are produced by Hector Jimenez, Matteo Franzinelli and Aldo Gorlani. This team of experts and tasters have a long and solid experience of coffee production. They manage the farm according to ultra-precise production criteria resulting in a high-quality coffee. Hector Jimenez, a leading figure in the Dominican coffee industry and head of the Dominican Coffee Institute, controls the production process from A to Z.

咖啡原產地: Cibao, Dominican Republic
合作社/農場: Rancho Arriba Finca
海拔: 800-1200 m.a.s.l.
品種: Pure Arabica
處理方法: 水洗
烘焙度: 中深
風味: 椰子, 黑巧克力, 乾煙草
每包可沖泡杯數: 2
沖泡溫度: 95°C
沖泡時間: 4-8 分鐘
可循環使用: 清空, 清洗, 加咖啡粉
淨重: 20克