Grower's Cup Coffeebrewer - Papua New Guinea 啡農杯便攜式手沖巴布亞新幾內亞咖啡包


The district of Chauve lies close to the border of Eastern Highlands Province, within the New Guinea Highlands that stretch across the island of New Guinea, second largest in the world. The Highlands themselves are actually a chain of mountain ranges, and the Bismarck range, with Mount Wilhelm as its highest peak, is where the coffee growing slopes that produce the cherry for Elimbari are. 

PNG is what is known as a megadiverse country – one of 17 identified countries that exhibit over 5,000 endemic plant species and bordering marine ecosystems. Coffee is grown mainly by smallholders in ‘gardens’ - a small plot of land that contains everything from a few trees up to a three-hectare plot at most. There are a few more traditional plantations, but these account for just under 20% of production.

Arusha is an interesting varietal. Assumed to be from Typica lineage, it occurs in both Tanzania and Papua New Guinea but other than that, information is vague at best. Both countries share a mixed German British colonial background and Arusha itself is a city in Tanzania, not far from Mount Kilimanjaro and the border with Kenya. Most varietals were introduced to the country in the 1950’s from African and Australian research stations, though coffee is first recorded in PNG in 1873, and was growing in the Rabaul Botanical Gardens by 1890, but was not grown in Simbu until the 1960’s. More confusingly, French Missionaries planted coffee in the Kilimanjaro area in the 1890’s and you sometimes see that given as the source for Arusha; this was assumed to be from a Bourbon heritage, though other countries have had coffee tested from this lineage and had that proven to be of Typica lineage.


咖啡原產地:  Chauve, Papua New Guinea
合作社/農場:  Kongo Coffee Limited
海拔: 1500-1800 m.a.s.l.
品種: Typica, Arusha, Bourbon
處理方法: 水洗
烘焙度: 中深
風味: 蘋果, 巧克力, 奶油, 西柚


每包可沖泡杯數: 2
沖泡溫度: 95°C
沖泡時間: 4-8 分鐘
可循環使用: 清空, 清洗, 加咖啡粉


淨重: 20克